Step Up to Level Ten is a progressively challenging game where champions complete Level 10.

Step Up to Level Ten is a progressively challenging game where champions complete Level 10.

The game requires the player to move the ball with the left and right arrow keys so that the ball bounces from 1 step to the next.

Levels are completed when the ball bounces off the top step.

Version 0.1

Is built without extensions, sprites or textures.

The game play is solid, intuitive and progressively challenging. Each level is validated for doability and randomly created.

Version 0.2

Added a leaders board, using the XExtension extension set.

Version 1

Upgraded the graphics with color and squishy ball. Also based on feedback i slowed the game down to make it easier.



There's no known bugs.

Future Releases


  • Champions leader board - DONE
  • Sound and vision upgrade - DONE no sound
  • Browser version - WONT DO
  • Game website
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