Tancraft (Developed using Small Basic)

Here is another game that I made using small basic. I named it Tancraft. It is a 2-player game you can play with one of you friends.I am so thankful to Litdev for his awesome extensions. I used his extension to use an animated image (the explosion of the tanks) in my game. At th
Here is another game that I made using small basic. I named it Tancraft. It is a 2-player game you can play with one of you friends.
I am so thankful to Litdev for his awesome extensions. I used his extension to use an animated image (the explosion of the tanks) in my game.
At the beginning each player places their tanks anywhere on their own land (lands are seperated with the red line), and then starting from the top player you click somewhere in you own land. Once you click there the corresponding point on the other side of the red line willl be shot. If there is enemy's tank there the tank would explode.
You can download the game from here (at the top of the page)
And please don't expect to see a super amazing game! I did all the programming on my own. This was done only for learning purposes.
Challenges that I had while developing this game:
Compared to my other game projects in Small Basic, this was a simple one. Once one of the players clicks somewhere on the screen the program finds the corresponding point on the opponensts land with respect to the lined breaking between the two lands. Then if there is a tank in approximity it would explode!!!
Here is the source code:
GraphicsWindow.Width=500 GraphicsWindow.Height=500 map= ImageList.LoadImage(Program.Directory+"/pics/map.jpg") GraphicsWindow.DrawResizedImage(map, 0, 0, 510, 510) 'startover: GraphicsWindow.FontName="Arial" GraphicsWindow.BrushColor= "Black" GraphicsWindow.FontSize="12" GraphicsWindow.DrawText(330, 0, "Developed by behnam Azizi") vehicle1=ImageList.LoadImage(Program.Directory+"/pics/Tank1.png") vehicle2=ImageList.LoadImage(Program.Directory+"/pics/Tank2.png") For i=0 to 10 shapeA[i]= Shapes.AddImage(vehicle1) Shapes.Move(shapeA[i], -50, -50) endfor For j=0 to 10 shapeB[j]= Shapes.AddImage(vehicle2) Shapes.Move(shapeB[j], 0, -50) endfor j=0 i=0 GraphicsWindow.CanResize="False" GraphicsWindow.MouseDown=handleMouse GraphicsWindow.PenColor="brown" Shapes.AddLine(0,250,510,250) GraphicsWindow.PenColor="transparent" GraphicsWindow.KeyDown= handlekey Sub handleKey If GraphicsWindow.LastKey="Q" Then GraphicsWindow.PenColor="black" ElseIf GraphicsWindow.LastKey="W" then GraphicsWindow.PenColor="transparent" EndIf EndSub Sub rocket ammo=Shapes.AddImage(ammo) Shapes.Animate(ammo, Math.GetRandomNumber(300), Math.GetRandomNumber(300), 1000) x=Shapes.GetLeft(ammo) y= Shapes.GetTop(ammo) If xpos>x And xpos<x+40 And ypos<500-y And ypos>460-y Then Shapes.Animate(ammo, math.GetRandomNumber(500), 540, 300) EndIf EndSub sub handleMouse xpos= GraphicsWindow.MouseX ypos= GraphicsWindow.MouseY 'If t=20 Then ' rocket() ' EndIf If t<=8 And ypos<250 Then start1() t=t+1 ElseIf t<=17 and t>=9 and ypos>250 then start2() t=t+1 ElseIf t>=18 then 'Shapes.HideShape(tankA[2]) If Math.Remainder(t, 2)=0 And ypos<250 Then Player1() winner() t=t+1 ElseIf Math.Remainder(t, 2)=1 And ypos>250 Then Player2() winner() t=t+1 EndIf EndIf EndSub Sub winner For i=0 To 8 If A[i]= "69" Then p=p+1 EndIf If B[i]="69" then q=q+1 EndIf EndFor If p=9 Then 'Sound.play(Program.Directory+"sounds/bomb.mp3") GraphicsWindow.ShowMessage("Player 2 wins!","Game Over!") CLS() ElseIf q=9 then 'Sound.play(Program.Directory+"sounds/bomb.mp3") GraphicsWindow.ShowMessage("Player 1 wins!","Game Over!") CLS() EndIf p=0 q=0 EndSub Sub Player1 Sound.Stop(Program.Directory+"/sounds/Tick.mp3") Sound.Play(Program.Directory+"/sounds/Tick.mp3") Shapes.HideShape(lineA) Shapes.HideShape(lineB) Error="True" lineA=Shapes.AddLine(0,ypos,500, ypos) lineB=Shapes.AddLine(0,500-ypos,500, 500-ypos) For j=0 To 8 x= Shapes.GetLeft(tankB[j]) y= Shapes.GetTop(tankB[j]) If xpos>x And xpos<x+40 And ypos<500-y And ypos>460-y Then Sound.Stop(Program.Directory+"/sounds/Bomb.mp3") Sound.Play(Program.Directory+"/sounds/Bomb.mp3") explode = LDShapes.AddAnimatedImage(Program.Directory + "\pics\anim.png", "False",4, 4) Shapes.Move(explode, Shapes.GetLeft(tankB[j]), Shapes.GetTop(tankB[j])) Shapes.Animate(tankB[j], math.GetRandomNumber(500), 540, 300) ' Shapes.HideShape(tankB[j]) B[j]="69" Error="False" EndIf EndFor Shapes.HideShape(text) text=Shapes.AddText("Player 2") Shapes.Move(text, 0, 0) If Error="True" Then Sound.Stop(Program.Directory+"/sounds/Error.mp3") Sound.Play(Program.Directory+"/sounds/Error.mp3") 'Shapes.AddImage(gunshot) ' Shapes.Move(gunshot, xpos, ypos) EndIf EndSub Sub Player2 Sound.Stop(Program.Directory+"/sounds/Tick.mp3") Sound.Play(Program.Directory+"/sounds/Tick.mp3") Shapes.HideShape(lineA) Shapes.HideShape(lineB) Error="True" lineA =Shapes.AddLine(0,ypos,500, ypos) lineB=Shapes.AddLine(0,500-ypos,500, 500-ypos) For i=0 To 8 x= Shapes.GetLeft(tankA[i]) y= Shapes.GetTop(tankA[i]) If xpos>x And xpos<x+40 And ypos<500-y And ypos>460-y Then Sound.Stop(Program.Directory + "/sounds/Bomb.mp3") Sound.Play(Program.Directory + "/sounds/Bomb.mp3") explode = LDShapes.AddAnimatedImage(Program.Directory + "\pics\anim.png", "False",4, 4) Shapes.Move(explode, Shapes.GetLeft(tankA[i]), Shapes.GetTop(tankA[i])) Shapes.Animate(tankA[i], Math.GetRandomNumber(500), -40, 300) A[i]="69" Error="False" EndIf Shapes.HideShape(text) text=Shapes.AddText("Player 1") Shapes.Move(text, 0, 0) EndFor If Error="True" Then Sound.Stop(Program.Directory+"/sounds/Error.mp3") Sound.Play(Program.Directory+"/sounds/Error.mp3") 'Shapes.Move(gunshot, xpos, ypos) EndIf EndSub Sub start1 Sound.Stop(Program.Directory+"/sounds/Tick.mp3") Sound.Play(Program.Directory+"/sounds/Tick.mp3") 'R = Math.GetRandomNumber(2) ' If R=1 Then tankA[i] = shapeA[i] ' ElseIf R=2 then ' tankA[i]=Shapes.AddEllipse(40, 70) 'EndIf Shapes.Move(tankA[i], 250, -40) Shapes.Animate(tankA[i], xpos-20, ypos-20, 500) i=i+1 EndSub Sub start2 Sound.Stop(Program.Directory+"/sounds/Tick.mp3") Sound.Play(Program.Directory+"/sounds/Tick.mp3") ' R = Math.GetRandomNumber(2) 'If R=1 Then tankB[j] = shapeB[j] ' ElseIf R=2 then ' tankB[i]=Shapes.AddEllipse(40, 70) ' EndIf Shapes.Move(tankB[j], 250, -40) Shapes.Animate(tankB[j], xpos-20, ypos-20, 500) j=j+1 EndSub Sub CLS p=0 q=0 GraphicsWindow.Clear() For i=0 To 8 tankA[i]=0 tankB[i]=0 EndFor 'Program.Delay(2000) Program.End() EndSub
GraphicsWindow.Width=500 GraphicsWindow.Height=500 map= ImageList.LoadImage(Program.Directory+"/pics/map.jpg") GraphicsWindow.DrawResizedImage(map, 0, 0, 510, 510) 'startover: GraphicsWindow.FontName="Arial" GraphicsWindow.BrushColor= "Black" GraphicsWindow.FontSize="12" GraphicsWindow.DrawText(330, 0, "Developed by behnam Azizi") vehicle1=ImageList.LoadImage(Program.Directory+"/pics/Tank1.png") vehicle2=ImageList.LoadImage(Program.Directory+"/pics/Tank2.png") For i=0 to 10 shapeA[i]= Shapes.AddImage(vehicle1) Shapes.Move(shapeA[i], -50, -50) endfor For j=0 to 10 shapeB[j]= Shapes.AddImage(vehicle2) Shapes.Move(shapeB[j], 0, -50) endfor j=0 i=0 GraphicsWindow.CanResize="False" GraphicsWindow.MouseDown=handleMouse GraphicsWindow.PenColor="brown" Shapes.AddLine(0,250,510,250) GraphicsWindow.PenColor="transparent" GraphicsWindow.KeyDown= handlekey Sub handleKey If GraphicsWindow.LastKey="Q" Then GraphicsWindow.PenColor="black" ElseIf GraphicsWindow.LastKey="W" then GraphicsWindow.PenColor="transparent" EndIf EndSub Sub rocket ammo=Shapes.AddImage(ammo) Shapes.Animate(ammo, Math.GetRandomNumber(300), Math.GetRandomNumber(300), 1000) x=Shapes.GetLeft(ammo) y= Shapes.GetTop(ammo) If xpos>x And xpos<x+40 And ypos<500-y And ypos>460-y Then Shapes.Animate(ammo, math.GetRandomNumber(500), 540, 300) EndIf EndSub sub handleMouse xpos= GraphicsWindow.MouseX ypos= GraphicsWindow.MouseY 'If t=20 Then ' rocket() ' EndIf If t<=8 And ypos<250 Then start1() t=t+1 ElseIf t<=17 and t>=9 and ypos>250 then start2() t=t+1 ElseIf t>=18 then 'Shapes.HideShape(tankA[2]) If Math.Remainder(t, 2)=0 And ypos<250 Then Player1() winner() t=t+1 ElseIf Math.Remainder(t, 2)=1 And ypos>250 Then Player2() winner() t=t+1 EndIf EndIf EndSub Sub winner For i=0 To 8 If A[i]= "69" Then p=p+1 EndIf If B[i]="69" then q=q+1 EndIf EndFor If p=9 Then 'Sound.play(Program.Directory+"sounds/bomb.mp3") GraphicsWindow.ShowMessage("Player 2 wins!","Game Over!") CLS() ElseIf q=9 then 'Sound.play(Program.Directory+"sounds/bomb.mp3") GraphicsWindow.ShowMessage("Player 1 wins!","Game Over!") CLS() EndIf p=0 q=0 EndSub Sub Player1 Sound.Stop(Program.Directory+"/sounds/Tick.mp3") Sound.Play(Program.Directory+"/sounds/Tick.mp3") Shapes.HideShape(lineA) Shapes.HideShape(lineB) Error="True" lineA=Shapes.AddLine(0,ypos,500, ypos) lineB=Shapes.AddLine(0,500-ypos,500, 500-ypos) For j=0 To 8 x= Shapes.GetLeft(tankB[j]) y= Shapes.GetTop(tankB[j]) If xpos>x And xpos<x+40 And ypos<500-y And ypos>460-y Then Sound.Stop(Program.Directory+"/sounds/Bomb.mp3") Sound.Play(Program.Directory+"/sounds/Bomb.mp3") explode = LDShapes.AddAnimatedImage(Program.Directory + "\pics\anim.png", "False",4, 4) Shapes.Move(explode, Shapes.GetLeft(tankB[j]), Shapes.GetTop(tankB[j])) Shapes.Animate(tankB[j], math.GetRandomNumber(500), 540, 300) ' Shapes.HideShape(tankB[j]) B[j]="69" Error="False" EndIf EndFor Shapes.HideShape(text) text=Shapes.AddText("Player 2") Shapes.Move(text, 0, 0) If Error="True" Then Sound.Stop(Program.Directory+"/sounds/Error.mp3") Sound.Play(Program.Directory+"/sounds/Error.mp3") 'Shapes.AddImage(gunshot) ' Shapes.Move(gunshot, xpos, ypos) EndIf EndSub Sub Player2 Sound.Stop(Program.Directory+"/sounds/Tick.mp3") Sound.Play(Program.Directory+"/sounds/Tick.mp3") Shapes.HideShape(lineA) Shapes.HideShape(lineB) Error="True" lineA =Shapes.AddLine(0,ypos,500, ypos) lineB=Shapes.AddLine(0,500-ypos,500, 500-ypos) For i=0 To 8 x= Shapes.GetLeft(tankA[i]) y= Shapes.GetTop(tankA[i]) If xpos>x And xpos<x+40 And ypos<500-y And ypos>460-y Then Sound.Stop(Program.Directory + "/sounds/Bomb.mp3") Sound.Play(Program.Directory + "/sounds/Bomb.mp3") explode = LDShapes.AddAnimatedImage(Program.Directory + "\pics\anim.png", "False",4, 4) Shapes.Move(explode, Shapes.GetLeft(tankA[i]), Shapes.GetTop(tankA[i])) Shapes.Animate(tankA[i], Math.GetRandomNumber(500), -40, 300) A[i]="69" Error="False" EndIf Shapes.HideShape(text) text=Shapes.AddText("Player 1") Shapes.Move(text, 0, 0) EndFor If Error="True" Then Sound.Stop(Program.Directory+"/sounds/Error.mp3") Sound.Play(Program.Directory+"/sounds/Error.mp3") 'Shapes.Move(gunshot, xpos, ypos) EndIf EndSub Sub start1 Sound.Stop(Program.Directory+"/sounds/Tick.mp3") Sound.Play(Program.Directory+"/sounds/Tick.mp3") 'R = Math.GetRandomNumber(2) ' If R=1 Then tankA[i] = shapeA[i] ' ElseIf R=2 then ' tankA[i]=Shapes.AddEllipse(40, 70) 'EndIf Shapes.Move(tankA[i], 250, -40) Shapes.Animate(tankA[i], xpos-20, ypos-20, 500) i=i+1 EndSub Sub start2 Sound.Stop(Program.Directory+"/sounds/Tick.mp3") Sound.Play(Program.Directory+"/sounds/Tick.mp3") ' R = Math.GetRandomNumber(2) 'If R=1 Then tankB[j] = shapeB[j] ' ElseIf R=2 then ' tankB[i]=Shapes.AddEllipse(40, 70) ' EndIf Shapes.Move(tankB[j], 250, -40) Shapes.Animate(tankB[j], xpos-20, ypos-20, 500) j=j+1 EndSub Sub CLS p=0 q=0 GraphicsWindow.Clear() For i=0 To 8 tankA[i]=0 tankB[i]=0 EndFor 'Program.Delay(2000) Program.End() EndSub