Turtle Maze

Turtle Maze v1.0 is a simple 2D maze game. To play, download the Zip, unZip it and double click the application file. The Zip includes source code.

Turtle Maze is a simple 2D maze game.

To play, download the Zip, unZip it and double click the application file. The Zip includes source code.

Turtle Maze v1.0

Is a 120 lines of Small Basic.

Mapping & Graphics

The mapping technique used is some what unique. Instead of storing information on where the walls are I've used the graphics to do this for me.

By drawing the maze image to the GraphicsWindow and using GetPixel you can determine when the Turtle hits the wall. This way is relatively easy to code and doesn't require an algorithm to produce the mazes. Mazes can be drawn quite easily using maze drawing programs found on the internet.

Using an algorithm to create the mazes could be a bit trickier but is much more efficient.


There's no known bugs at the moment.

Future Releases

v1 releases may include:

  • Sound FX; and
  • a graphic on collision
  • </UL>

    v2 would include:

    • an algorithm to create mazes.